Shakedown Sriracha Drumsticks

When it comes time to test out a new ride, it’s called the shakedown. This first test of a vehicle is important for getting a feel for the new car and working out any kinks before race day. That’s just what we did with this recipe a few months ago when we took our Green Mountain Grill on its maiden voyage.

Turns out, the grill cooks as good as she looks, and the result of that initial test run was a very successful barbecue. See how we did it below. 


4 pounds chicken drumsticks (room temperature)
2 tablespoons melted butter
2 teaspoon kosher salt
4 large cloves garlic finely chopped



4 tablespoons melted butter

1/2 cup sriracha

2 tablespoons honey

1 1/2 tablespoons soy sauce

1 tablespoon finely chopped cilantro

1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lime juice

1 teaspoon rice vinegar



1.     Set the grill to 250 F.

2.     Thoroughly, mix the chopped garlic, salt and 2 tablespoons of melted butter in a large bowl.

3.     Dip the drumsticks in the sauce immediately before placing them on the grill.

4.     Cover the remaining sauce and set aside.



1.     Place the drumsticks on the grill, spaced evenly.

2.     Cook the drumsticks until the skins turn crispy (about 2 hours).

3.     Remove drumsticks from grill and increase heat to 450 F.

4.     Apply a coat of sauce to the drumsticks before returning them to grill to cook for 15-20 minutes longer.

5.     Remove drumsticks from the grill and place them in large bowl while they’re still hot. Toss them with remaining sauce.

6.     Garnish with cilantro and serve!

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